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    Tooth Extraction in Brooklyn | Wisdom Teeth Removal

    Tooth extractions — such as removing baby teeth, wisdom or permanent teeth — are common procedures performed by your family dentist. You may never need to have a tooth pulled, with the exception of wisdom teeth removal, as long as you continue with good oral health habits and see our family dentist Dr. Khabensky twice a year for professional teeth cleaning, x-rays and checkups. But if you have an accident, your teeth grow too close together or you develop gum disease, pulling a tooth may be your only option. In that case, choosing the top-rated dentist vastly reduces the chances of developing a dental extraction infection.

    What is Tooth Extraction?

    Tooth extraction procedure involves pulling a tooth right from its socket in your jaw bone. In some instances, the extraction of a tooth is necessary for an emergency. While tooth removal is a rare instance and definitely the exception to the norm, there are numerous different scenarios that can lead to emergency tooth extractionThere are many different reasons you may need to have a tooth pulled, including:

    • Wisdom teeth removal
    • Diseased tooth extraction
    • Development, to make room for permanent teeth to grow incorrectly
    • Infections

    A number of steps lead up to the dental extraction procedure. More steps are needed if your procedure involves wisdom tooth extraction. If you’re concerned about the procedure itself, talk to your family dentist, who’s always concerned with your comfort and general well-being.

    Normal and Wisdom Teeth Extraction

    Tooth Extraction in Brooklyn NY
    Tooth Extraction Procedure

    Prior to the actual procedure, your dentist takes x-rays of your teeth and may even have you take antibiotics to prevent tooth extraction infections, especially if you have a weak immune system. During the procedure, you have the option for anesthesia. It’s often highly recommended for impacted wisdom teeth extraction. The two types of extractions you may experience include:

    • Simple Extraction. This is the most common form of tooth removal, during which your dentist uses a special tool to loosen the tooth before using forceps to completely remove the tooth. Once the extraction site has healed you can think about replacing the tooth, perhaps with an implant, bridge, or denture. If the extraction site is in a highly visible area we can provide you with a temporary tooth until you can have it more permanently replaced.
    • Surgical Extraction. This kind of extraction involves the process of creating an incision in your gum and removing the bone around your tooth, or cutting the tooth in half, then extracting it. Surgery often requires stitches to sew up the incision. Your dentist may recommend using laser surgery to pull a tooth. It’s much less risky, with less healing time.

    Wisdom teeth are most commonly extracted just before or immediately after they come in, which usually happens between the ages of 17 and 20. The need for wisdom teeth extraction is usually because they have a tendency to become decayed and cause a lot of pain in your mouth. Impacted wisdom teeth don’t break through your gums. They can lead to the development of a cyst or an infection. All four wisdom teeth are usually taken out during the same visit.

    Reasons for Tooth Extractions

    Impacted wisdom teeth and diseased or severely decayed teeth are two common reasons for a tooth removal. When a tooth is broken or just mildly decayed, your dentist may be able to fill a cavity, perform a root canal or provide you with a crown instead of pulling it. But sometimes the damage is too severe and the tooth needs to go.

    Other instances when you may need to have teeth extracted include:

    • Long-lasting baby teeth. If a baby tooth hasn’t fallen out at its appropriate time and the permanent tooth can’t grow in because of it, the baby tooth is extracted to provide the space for the permanent tooth.
    • Braces. Your general dentist may recommend pulling teeth if there’s a need to make more room in your mouth prior to getting braces.
    • Cancer and radiation treatments. Cancer medicines can infect teeth, which in turn creates a need for those teeth to be pulled. Some radiation treatments require the removal of a tooth if it’s in the field of radiation close to your mouth, like to your head and neck.

    Although there are a variety of different reasons for needing a teeth extraction, your dentist can recommend the safest and healthiest resolutions to treat your problem. Trust your family dentist in Brooklyn to do the right thing to protect your oral health.

    Tooth Extraction Due to Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a common reason for tooth removal, as it can severely damage or loosen a tooth so it cannot be saved.

    In this case, you will receive a local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth is located, but we can supply stronger sedation if you need more than one teeth removed or if you are nervous or anxious.

    The actual procedure to remove the tooth is generally very quick, and after it has been extracted you might have a few stitches. You’ll need to gently bite down on a clean piece of gauze immediately after the extraction to help stop the bleeding.

    After Teeth Extraction Procedure

    There’s a likelihood of mild to severe pain following surgery; however, your dentist can recommend the best post-procedure treatment options to control it. Some common home remedies for teeth extractions include ice packs held to your face to reduce swelling, as well as gentle salt water rinsing. Be sure to start out eating soft, cool foods for a few days after the procedure. You can eat and drink other foods and beverages when you start to feel more comfortable.

    If there is swelling, severe pain, or bleeding several days after the extraction, you may have developed a tooth extraction infection. Be sure to follow the complete instructions given to you by your dentist to prevent a dental extraction infection from occurring. Contact your dentist immediately if your symptoms don’t go away. Tooth extraction infections can be dangerous, cause severe pain and even lead to more serious consequences.

    Do you have any questions about the tooth extraction, wisdom teeth removal procedure? For more information or to schedule an appointment with the best dentist in Brooklyn Dr. Khabensky DDS of Family Cosmetic & Implants Dentistry, please contact our Brooklyn cosmetic dental office.

    Page Updated on Feb 14, 2024 by Igor Khabensky, DDS (Dentist) of Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Brooklyn

    Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Brooklyn
    2148 Ocean Ave #401
    Brooklyn, NY 11229
    (866) 814-2636