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    Dental Oral Surgery in Brooklyn

    Cosmetic dental surgery is performed in your dentist’s office, where the staff ensures your comfort and well-being. Your general dentist offers a host of cosmetic surgical options, ranging from dental implants to implant-supported dentures. Emergency dental surgery also is done in the office, typically in response to a facial trauma that’s causing you a lot of pain.

    At our dental center, all oral surgery procedures are performed by a fully trained and licensed oral surgeon who has received extensive training in oral and maxillofacial surgery and is an expert in all oral surgical procedures.

    Dental surgical treatment is a broad field that’s highly specialized. You should trust your oral health only to the best dentist, especially when surgery is necessary. The most common types of dental surgery are cosmetic dental surgery and emergency dental surgery. But your general dentist may recommend it if you’re living with medical problems such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (or TMJ) or a cleft palate.

    Dental surgery also referred to as oral or maxillofacial surgery, is performed by the best dentist. You deserve to be comfortable, safe, and secure during any cosmetic or emergency dental care. And your family dentist provides a full range of surgical services, including cosmetic dentistry. Your appearance is always taken into consideration in tandem with your oral health and overall well-being.

    Your dentistry team at Quentin Smile Dental Practice offers laser gum surgery as the cutting-edge technology becomes ever more popular for treating cosmetic dental needs and medical oral problems that previously required surgery. While surgery can lead to infections and complications, laser surgery is an alternative. Talk to your general dentist about which may be better for you.

    Impacted Teeth Require Dental Surgery

    Before & After Emergency Oral Surgery  in Brooklyn NY
    One of the most common reasons for dental surgery is to treat impacted teeth. And while your wisdom teeth can become impacted, it’s not a condition that’s limited to your wisdom teeth. Other teeth can become impacted too. Your wisdom teeth, which are also called your third molars, are your last set of adult teeth to grow in. Many times, your jaw isn’t large enough to allow enough room for the wisdom teeth.

    In cases like this, it may be necessary for your dentist to go in and remove the teeth that are damaged or those that are growing in incorrectly. If one or more of your wisdom teeth become impacted, you’re likely to experience pain, swelling, and possibly infection. This condition can cause further damage to the surrounding teeth.

    Impacted teeth can even damage your jawbone, resulting in cysts or tumors. These growths are capable of destroying entire sections of your jaw. If left untreated for long, your impacted teeth can lead to emergency dental surgery.

    Cosmetic Dental Surgery Options

    Tooth loss is a problem because its effects are just as psychological as they are physical and functional. The most popular method to surgically treat tooth loss, especially when it’s in a visible part of your mouth, is with dental implants. This cutting-edge dental technology has revolutionized the entire dental industry.

    The true beauty of dental implants is that they look and function just like your natural teeth. They’re also the perfect option to put an end to ill-fitting dentures that have a tendency to slip around in your mouth, making eating and speaking more difficult and uncomfortable than it’s supposed to be. Since implants are considered to be cosmetic dental surgery, however, they’re not covered by most insurance policies.

    Medical Reasons for Dental Surgery

    Jaw-related issues such as TMJ can be especially painful. Most cases are treatable through a combination of physical therapy and medications. If your case is more severe or indicates there’s a specific issue with your jaw joint, you may need surgery.

    Unequal jaw development occurs when your upper and lower jaw fail to grow properly or at the same rate. This can lead to a wide variety of problems. Many of these issues can be treated with corrective braces. But surgery to move your jaws into better alignment may be called for.

    Other reasons that may require surgical intervention include:

    • Replacing improper or ill-fitting dentures with implants used to anchor your dentures securely into position. Both regular dental implants and mini dental implants are effective cosmetic dental surgery treatments. Both options have an advantage overdentures.
    • Repairing facial trauma often involves emergency dental surgery. This is especially true in cases of broken facial bones or a fractured jaw.
    • Facial infections result in pain, swelling, or stiffness in your face, neck, or jaw. These kinds of infections can become life-threatening if left untreated. Treat them as soon as you begin to notice symptoms. Surgical treatments may involve cutting into the infection to drain it.

    There are several other types of dental or oral surgical procedures that the best cosmetic dentist  can fully explain. They are usually reserved for rare cases. Your dentist evaluates your oral health and listens to your dental concerns before determining if dental surgery is the best option for you. It’s usually not the first treatment choice.

    All surgical procedures are performed by our licensed oral surgeon, an expert in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery and has extensive training in all types of oral surgery procedures.

    Before Surgery

    During your consultation, our specialist will review your medical history and might take additional X-rays of your head and mouth to determine the next step of treatment. It’s important to mention if you have any medical conditions or are taking medications such as over-the-counter drugs, supplements, or vitamins. Depending on the type of procedure and your state of health, our professional may prescribe premedication. If the operation does not require a complex approach and your health condition is satisfactory, the procedure may be performed on the day of the consultation.

    On the Day of Surgery

    If your oral surgery involves anesthesia, you should not eat or drink 8 hours prior to the procedure. In case you have chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, our dental surgeon will closely monitor your state for any signs of complications. The duration of surgery and your hospital stay will be determined by the type of dental surgical procedure. If you have jaw surgery, you can expect to stay at the hospital for 2-4 days. A wisdom tooth extraction does not require hospitalization, and if there are no complications, you can go home the same day.

    Recovering After Surgery

    During your recovery, you may be limited to certain types of foods and drinks. It is best to avoid using drinking straws as the suction can loosen a blood clot and delay healing. Depending on the level of discomfort, our doctors will prescribe over-the-counter pain medication or strong painkillers. To speed up your recovery, consider the following tips:

    • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol until your complete recovery
    • Apply an ice pack to reduce inflammation
    • Avoid strenuous activities as they can provoke bleeding
    • Eat soft foods at room temperature, gradually adding solid foods to your diet as you heal
    • Instead of brushing your teeth, use salt and water solution to kill off any bacteria

    Make sure to follow all the instructions and contact your dentist if you have any concerns or issues.

    Do you have any questions about Dental Oral Surgery (cosmetic & emergency) in Brooklyn? For more information or to schedule an appointment with the best cosmetic dentist Khabensky DDS of Family Cosmetic & Implants Dentistry of Brooklyn? Please contact our dental clinic for consultation with the family dentists Alex and Igor Khabensky DDS.

    Page Updated on Mar 10, 2025 by Igor Khabensky, DDS (Dentist) of Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Brooklyn

    Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Brooklyn
    2148 Ocean Ave #401
    Brooklyn, NY 11229
    (866) 814-2636